Our boat may have been sinking, but we paddled hard and won again!

Eton Diary (Part 3)

OK – I realise I’ve been slow at writing these up. To make it even more convoluted, I’ll blog about why separately

Wednesday morning at Eton, after the usual breakfast and ‘Thought for the Day’ stuff, began with double Physics. We did a lot on A-bombs \ H-bombs mainly as an excuse to watch cool videos of sheds being blown up in the US’s testing sites. Plus evidence for the Big Band kinda stuff. (The best bit of Physics came on Friday… so be patient!)

In double Philosophy I remember spending a lot of time arguing \ debating with Holly P. (The P stands for Primary Socialisation, now there’s an in-joke if ever I saw one.) The question – I have a body or I am a body? Answer [drum roll] – I am a body. Kinda. ‘You’ are an identity with a name created in concept only, but it’s pretty safe to say that if you blew the body up with one of the bombs we learnt about in Physics you can wave goodbye to you.

After lunch, we headed to learn about good leadership skills. By watching clips of Gladiator! And then, if you could struggle into an icky wet wetsuit – more pool activities! Yeah, that’s what it’s all about.

Our boat may have been sinking, but we paddled hard and won again!

At tea the Queens Park troop were greeted by our head and Ms. Hook (who ringleads these kind of activities) who were just there to check up on us and give Hiten a birthday cake. Yes, that’s right. He’s cleverer at Maths and he’s younger than me! Aghh!

Creative options today was Art, which wasn’t that bad actually. And I wore the same kind of apron that Prince Harry is seen wearing in all those photos. I can’t believe I just typed that. Here, have something pretty and purple.

After dinner we finished up with the best lecture and debate so far – ‘Five Steps to Tyranny’ outlining how easy it was for society to slip into evil. And presented by our Physics teacher too. So good, I even made notes.

And then more sleep – but only after I’d got myself a bit of Hiten’s birthday cake. Happy birthday, little genius!

Note: Don’t forget, there’s a 2 minute silence at 12 today to remember the London bombings.

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One Comment on :
Eton Diary (Part 3)

  1. tasha says:

    Ahhh!! You must have spent hours writing up all of that and you didn’t get any comments!!


    Anyway, this is a comment

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