Cousin Alix

Ooh tired

It’s been too long since I last blogged, but on the upside at least there’s a raft of material for it now. Generally the weather’s been hot and I’ve been feeling tired and a bit ‘aww let school end already!’ but it’s OK, I can struggle on for a few weeks more, at I know the teachers feel the same way Welcome back to the D of E people, as well. There’s some lovely photos on Josie’s and Andy’s MSN Spaces for eager eyes to see.

Cousin Alix

Cousin Alix

On Monday I brought Joshua along to see The Mill on the Floss at Grange Court Theatre to see my cousin Alix. Which was cool although I did express my shame at her playing not only a Christian, with distinctly Puritan tendencies, but a predestinist at that! Shocking. Although, since it was their last night, I’m sure they all had some pretty un-Puritan fun afterwards.

You there, come die

You there, come die

My highly cultured self also went to the theatre on Tuesday evening, to see Oh What a Lovely War! at the Abbey Theatre in St Albans with the rest of the English students studying WW1 literature. Aside from it being very very hot and sweaty in the back row (programmes = fans) it was a good show. The horrors of war were made sinister from the pantomime comedy and catchy songs rather than gruesome trench life, and there’s something unsettling about an entire cast dressed in pierrot costumes. The programme, incidentally, mentions that during the war the government-imposed rules such as ‘no giving bread to horses’ and ‘invisible ink should not be used when writing abroad.’ Which raises the question of how they would know.

On an aside, Ms Hook kindly got us driven past Mr Drummond’s house in St Albans so we could all wave and note down his address for blackmailing purposes

Had the second of four kayaking sessions yesterday for Enrichment which was fun – well – it counts as physical activity and I’m not the type to drown so that’s all good. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s responsible for my left arm aching today though.

Also! Goodbye to the children (including my dear sister Natasha) off to Barcelona today. If we don’t get photos of Mr Taylor on the dance floor you will have failed. I also got to pimp my blog today unexpectedly to someone from Capital City Academy, although shockingly my Physics teacher was more interested in showing off Alex Trafford and his detailed series of posts on Mr Kanj. And there was a discussion on how close I stray the line into what the school may object to – especially considering I figure in their Google search results – and the answer is that I am actually quite conservative on what I post that might get me into trouble anyway. Plus I don’t think I’m really that noticed

And finally – since installing IE7 Beta 3 one bug has become painfully clear. If you experience the pop-up blocker stopping you create new folders in Windows Live Mail, links in your blogging tool or similar simple javascript operations, let Microsoft know in the bug report I created.

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2 Comments on :
Ooh tired

  1. amber says:

    Mr taylor YMCAed but im not sure about pictures. I’ve got last years from ms collins.

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