Captain Jack in Torchwood

Blogs weren’t made to be neglected

I guarantee you, at the end of this year when I have my extra-super-long summer holidays this blog will become so chock-a-block with posts that you can hardly move for ramblings, but until then my time is becoming increasingly finite

The big news news to mention, of course, is massively important and signals much hope for a better future. But I’m sure that you’ve all read already about Britney and Kevin’s divorce so I won’t say anything more. Oh, and yes, the US mid-terms. Hurrah! It’s great to see Democrats seizing control of both houses of Congress, and signals, finally, that one of the most disastrous presidents in US history is rapidly losing all semblance of power.

‘Most disastrous’? Really? Well maybe it is too early to judge, but there’s no doubt Bush has been presiding over a highly polarised country, and we should remember that for every American that voted for him two years ago there is (almost!) one that voted against him. So the celebrations now should be for them, and the tireless work put in to unset Bush over the past two years.

Having said that, it is now important – now that they have some power and responsibility – that Democrats perform well in the eyes of the American public. And that means the American public; reconnecting with the rest of the world is all well and good but the urgent priority is to prove they can govern again. Else this victory could yet turn into a defeat two years down the line in the Presidential election, and we most certainly don’t want that!

Captain Jack in Torchwood

Captain Jack in Torchwood

Incidentally, I also wanted to check you’ll all been watching Torchwood and, if not, hurry up and try it Brilliant so far and improving every week too, although not designed for the same family audience that Doctor Who is. (Not, it isn’t as good as Who but then what is? Great for building up anticipation for Series Three though!) Last week we had a pterodactyl attack a cyberwoman for goodness sake!

You can hardly turn down that.

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One Comment on :
Blogs weren’t made to be neglected

  1. Maya says:

    Noticed this blog hasn’t been commented on so I thought I’d have a little ramble!
    So here goes…
    Yaay at Torchwood.
    It totally rocks my odd socks!
    Captain Jack = yummy
    I especially liked the episode where they had that thingy-ma-bobby which could feel the emotions of the place and reinacted them.
    that was cool.
    Hope you’re fine btw.

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