“There must be some way out of here…”

I know I’ve mentioned Battlestar Galactica a fair bit over the past year or so, but you’ll have to forgive one more as tonight was a very special occasion for me and Katie: the finale! OK, so we do have The Plan and Caprica and all that extra stuff still to watch, but this was essentially the culmination of a long sibling-bonding journey and many, many hours of a truly standout show. And thankfully I think we both felt very satisfied with the ending, which managed to feel like a solid conclusion without being burdened by over-explanation. Which leaves me with only two very important questions to answer: (a) can I really justify buying soundtrack CDs? and (b) what’s next to watch? We’ve talked about Buffy, although that does seem a bit of a mammoth task, and I’ve also heard good things about Firefly. Suggestions welcome.

There have been a few really nice gatherings this past week or so. Joshua came round last Thursday for a combination of beer, crisps and Ghostbusters – another 1980s phenomenon which, like Back To The Future, I can finally chalk up for my life record. (Yeah, relax: I still knew the song.) Actually, talking of the 80s, and just in case the neighbours were wondering what that noise was, Katie arrived home that night bearing the dubious joke gift of a Rick Astley LP. So now I can say I’ve been physically rick-rolled in my life, too.

And then on Sunday a group of us gathered in Camden for drinks and a meal to bid farewell to Robert before he leaves for California. I am jealous, basically But he will be sorely missed for a year, and the rest of us must remember to continue to meet up and drink (frequently) in his honour. *nods seriously* To Robert!

Finally, Saoirse came over this afternoon after school – and ah, she made me feel old by reminding me that I was a Sixth Former once – and we had one of those rambling chats about everything which we haven’t had in a while. (With Katie, too, who confused me later by saying that it was impressively intellectual. Dude, we also watched The Little Princess!)

A ballot paper for the Labour leadership is sitting on my desk. I hope I choose wisely.

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2 Comments on :
“There must be some way out of here…”

  1. Amber says:

    BUFFY I’m up to season 3 and it took a month of not very frequent watchings.

    You can choose your own Labour candidate though.

  2. Bill Thompson says:

    Watch Firefly and then the film – Serenity. You will get into it, I assure. But it’s only one serie+film.

    I liked Caprica more than I thought I would – and hope it comes back. Thought The Plan disappointing – borrow mine, don’t spend money.

    And then – The Wire, of course

    have fun x

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