Randi and Villy and books

Chicago Glamily Outpost

Donald Trump isn’t good for much, but he has undoubtedly improved Second City. It’s been a few years since I last saw a show there (and yes, that’s a strange thing to write) but I went back earlier this month and the whole thing is much tighter, angrier and more coherent than it used to be. I found it funnier as a result, too, though I’m sure it’s more polarising than the grab bag assortment of sketches which it used to be. Randi and I went with Villy (last seen in London) and her mother, both of whom belong to the comforting class of people who understand visa rules and immigration law in casual conversation.

Randi and Villy and books

Randi and Villy and books

In the past few weeks I also made two important introductions which have been a long time in the making. Firstly, at long last, Todd has sat down and watched an episode of Doctor Who. In an attempt to appeal to him as a television connoisseur I opted for the very first one, in all of its magnificent black and white glory from 1963. It’s just so good! While at Todd and Carolyn’s I also fulfilled my completionist desire to finish off the Indiana Jones films with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, even though everyone warned me beforehand that it wasn’t worth it. Everyone was right.

The second introduction needs only this photo:

We finally got Robert to play Carcassonne!

We finally got Robert to play Carcassonne!

Otherwise I’ve just been catching up on Sherlock with Catherine, booking exciting trips so that future posts can benefit from more interesting photos and celebrating Valentine’s Day at La Scarola, which needs no improvement whatsoever. In a romantic gesture, I muted the ‘glamily’ for the duration of the meal. This is a giant family WhatsApp chat which has also sprung up in recent weeks: 35 somehow-connected cousins around the world draining each others’ battery lives at all hours. It’s great. It’s absurd. This is how cults start. Clearly we need another wedding.

Frankie Regan, Gillian Self, Hazel Boss, Catherine Tarsney, Ellen Wohlberg, Bonnie Ní Súilleabháin, Cassie Dessein, Chiara Bassi, Steven Petitpas-Polselli, Sharon Dinkin, Deborah Herrick, Kristina Francisco, Wil Hathaway liked this post.

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3 Comments on :
Chicago Glamily Outpost

  1. You ‘muted the Glamily!!!’ Shock horror ??

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